Marko’s Monastery St. Dimitrij, village Sushica (14th century)

Submitted 7 years 1 month ago by vlado.mitev.

Marko’s Monastery St. Dimitrij, village Sushica (14th century)

About 20 km from Skopje, near the Marko River and the village Sushica, it’s were this monastery is located, called Marko’s, because its founders were king Volkashin and his son king Marko. The writing about the south entrance inside the church, gives information about the construction of the monastery church (1345), also of the founders. The church is in the form of a cross built of stones and tiles. The frescoes date back to the 14th century: rich illustration of the akathistos of the Holy Mother, Christ’s miracles, His Prophets, hermits and warriors. The most famous fresco in the monastery is The Lamentation of Rachel, where the human dram s presented through the murder of the children of Bethlehem. The monastery has a great church, cultural and historical heritage: old icons, manuscripts na books, many church objects an relics. There was a monastic way of life intensified with transcriptional and educational work. In the 19th century, prior of the monastery was the Macedonian leader of national revival and writer Kiril Pejchinvich, who founded a school in the monastery and here he wrote his famous book Mirror.