Submitted 7 years 6 months ago by vlado.mitev.
Samuil’s Fortress
This Fortress is trademark of Ohrid and it is one of the biggest medieval towns on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. Samuil’s Fortreess was mentioned in the 5th century AD by the Roman historians, therefore Ohrid as well as a lot of cities all over Europe was defending from tries’ attacks during the Great Migration in the 4th and the 5th century. Samuil’s Fortress was used and partially extended during Roman period and it had even greater dimension during Byzantine period. During the reign of Samuil, it was significantly extended and built up by well-built bulwarks. The present fortress kept the form of Samul fortress, although there are some claims that some parts were demolished and then they were restored by the Turks and Byzantines. Fortress walls are from 10 to 16 meters high and several meters wide. The hilly part of the town was protected with high towers and wall 3km long, except the south side which is surrounded by the lake itself. It covers the whole Ohrid Hill with its fortification and walls. Now, there are 18 towers and 4 gates. Some parts of the fortress occupy area towards the lake and lower hilly part of the old part of Ohrid. The old part of the town had 3 entrance gates and only Gorna Porta (Upper Gate) is preserved. Partially damaged top layer of inner walls reveal Byzantine format of bricks in horizontal layers.