Знакомьтесь: Asia

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The name "Singapore" is derived from Singa-pura ("City of the Lion"), a commonly used term since the fourteenth century. The main cultural traditions are Malay, Indian, Chinese, and to some extent Western (British). The different communities do not regard themselves as sharing a culture; instead...

South Korea

South Korea, officially the Republic of Korea, is an East Asian nation. Korea, also known as the "Land of the Morning Calm," has long served as a cultural bridge between its neighbors, China and Japan. South Korea has risen from the ashes of its troubled history to become one of the world's main...


Thailand, officially known as the Kingdom of Thailand, is a fascinating country located in Southeast Asia. With its rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes, it has become a popular tourist destination for people from all around the world. In this essay, we will explore the...

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